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Ghetto RP

127 members
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Server Description

☆ Da Ghetto RP ☆ Looking for a new FIVEM server? This is what we have to offer ☆ Testers Will Receive ☆: Free Gangs, 1o1 Car, Business of their choice, AND MORE IN THE DISCORD! (TESTING ENDS FEB 20, 2025!) ☆ ABOUT THE SERVER ☆ Michigan Based City! Semi-Serious RP Server Free WL Daily Updates! 🍑Realistic Body Physics and parts for Women And Men🍆 💊Realistic Drugs/Scripts 💊 🔧Realistic Job Scripts 🔨 💅Nails Shop, Wigs and bundles, and more!💅 👗The Best Custom Clothing! Thousands of styles for men and women👚 🚗The Best Custom Cars! (JDM DONKS DRIFT LUXURY)🚗 🔫Over 120 Realistic Custom Guns.🔫 🏠Michigan Based MLOS🏠 🎤Rico Da Yung Thug Inspired🎤 👼supportive and Laid Back Staff👼 ☆☆ LOOKING FOR STAFF EMS PD DOJ AND MORE JOIN TODAY ☆☆ ☆☆ DISCORD.GG/GHETTORP ☆☆



