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The Pirateverse Community

43 members
0 votes

Server Description

INTRODUCTION: Ahoy!!! Me Hartys and welcome to The Pirateverse!!! A community for pirate enthusiasts to chat, hang out and RP. Its 3 universes combined into one they are: One Piece, Pirates of The Caribbean and IRL Actual Pirates WHAT WE OFFER: Crew recruitments for your ships, plenty of rp channels and places to rob, pillage and steal from as you sail The High Seas There is still some fantasty of course like flying pirate ships, magical artifacts and of course magical creatures like Sirens, Mermaids Kelpies and other mythological pirate folklore including The Kraken itself as well There's also Davys Jones Locker for deceased Pirates to be cataloged in with the chance of resurrection of they can complete the puzzle/challenge that lies ahead





